Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Flu vs. The Cold
Well I kept on telling myself........at least I don't have a cold!!
I despise colds. I would rather have the average flu, compared to the average cold. For the following reasons...
1) It's not the sneezing and runny nose which gets me...its when the nostrils are plugged up which makes it difficult to breath. It's very frustrating that you can constantly blow out of the plugged nostril and it doesn't seem to make any difference.
2) The piles of Kleenex laying around on the table, in the trashcan or on the floor. Isn't that disgusting?
Normally when you have the flu...everything is flushed down the toilet
3) False Hope. Several times throughout the grueling process when you sneeze, you will feel one of the best feelings God has given us...two open nostrils!! But then that hope will be CRUSHED when the opposite nostril closes up.
The flu never gives false hope. You know that you will be miserable for a day or 3...and you know exactly when you are getting better.
4) Length of Time. My general cold lasts more than a week. Give me a freakin break.
I'd rather feel five times more miserable for 2 days with the flu, than have my nostrils plugged for up to a week and a half.
5) The Flu is like a competitive organized basketball game, fast, hard, and then its over; the Cold is like a competitive organized baseball game, slow lazy and annoying
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Just a concern...
Most conservatives simply don’t want small government. They want their own version of big government. Of course, they have done a pretty good job of fooling American voters for decades by repeating the phrases “limited government” and “small government” like a hypnotic chant.
It’s interesting that conservatives only notice “big government” when it’s something their political enemies want. When conservatives want it, apparently it doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants a trillion-dollar foreign war, that doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants a 700-billion-dollar bank bailout, that doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants to spend billions fighting a needless and destructive War on Drugs, that doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants to spend billions building border fences, that doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants to “protect” the huge, unjust, and terribly inefficient Social Security and Medicare programs, that doesn’t count.
- If a conservative wants billions in farm subsidies, that doesn’t count.
It’s truly amazing how many things “don’t count.”
Monday, February 15, 2010
Ash Wednesday and Lent
The interesting part of this day and/or night is that many of those who participated generally are absolutely willing to walk, work or study throughout the day with the ash on their forehead. If this was required, I don't remember being told. Maybe it's a sense of pride (a good pride). I am one of those who are willing to go throughout the day with the ashes on my forehead because the idea of getting it washed off your head right after church seems insincere, to me at least.
Which begs the question...what am I giving up for lent? (I'd say that it doesn't actually beg the question, but I think that might be the first time I've ever used it in a sentence...so be proud!)
1) No fast food. This includes Subway. My definition of non-fast food is a food joint which does have a waiter or a waitress. I don't know if Panera or Braeda is considered fast-food.
2) Only one night of drinking a week. Some might say, "why don't you give it up all together?" First, I would say is why don't you shut yo mouth! Second, my only concern is that it makes me unproductive the next day, especially concerning homework.
3) Sunday is going to be the true "day of rest." This was a goal of mine this semester, which I have been able to do a few times. When Sunday rolls around, I want to be in a position in which I don't have to do any homework. This incorporates #2 because since i won't be drinking on Friday night, I'll be able to get all of my homework done on Saturday.
This list is not final and might be amended within the next few days. I'll keep you updated
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bathroom Etiquette
In a bathroom that I frequent, there are approximately 9 urinals in a row against a wall. One time I walked in and took the very first urinal. Approximately 5 seconds later a guy walked in and walked all the way to the very far urinal. I have two things to say about that. First, being the only two in the bathroom, the fact he walked all the way to the end of the room made it rather awkward. Second, why did he decide to do that, and what does that say about him?
Based off of my extensive studies and education in psychological behavior, I would have to conclude that he's actually a CIA agent.
So what would I have done if I was in his situation? I would have walked a few urinals over. Why? First, because it doesn't violate Rule 1.7 of the Male Bathroom Code governing the proximate amount of room to be between to men standing at a urinal. Second, it doesn't make things awkward.
Based off of my extensive studies and education in psychological behavior, I would have to conclude that I'm not a pussy.
The last situation I would like to note are situations when there is only one spot open in a line of urinals. According to Rule 2.3 of the Male Bathroom Code, it is appropriate for a male to take that open spot even though that male would be located directly to the right and/or left of another male. I have seen several situations when a guy will not take that open spot, and just stands there waiting for another spot to open.
Based off of my extensive studies and education in psychological behavior, I would have to conclude that he works for McDonalds.
On another note, I am going to start (or try) to do Crossfit Endurance...it'll be interesting
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Problem with Video Game Haters
When it comes to me and video game usage I generally play in spurts. Like for example, over winter break Staack and I played Modern Warfare online alot, some would probably say excessively, which I could not argue with. There are other times, like currently, that I don't even pick up the controller for weeks.
During the time that I played Modern Warfare, I received a fair amount criticism about the length of play. I term these individuals as "Video-Game Haters." You know who you are!!
The problem I have with the video-game hater, is that those same people who hate on video-game players are the same people that will spend hours watching their favourite (I figured if I spelled it like the British, that I'll sound more intelligent) tv show, whether it be Ellen, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy or the Biggest Loser. If you bring this to their attention, they will say that "it's different." Is it? Really?
You sit in front of the television and stare at it. Those of us who play video-games sit in front of the television...and stare at it. Some haters will have several of their shows all in the same night, and thus could spend anywhere from 2-4 hours watching their favourite shows. Yet, if we play Modern Warfare for 2-4 hours at the same time, it is totally different in their eyes.
I could argue that in fact, playing video games is a better use of our time than watching TV because we are constantly using our brains to strategize and react quickly to events. But I wouldn't want to make that argument.
How about, we all turn off the tv and/or put down the controller and open up a book? I'll get right to that after I finish last night's episode of The Biggest Loser and after I finish the last level of Modern Warfare.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The first blog
A friend of mine, Morgan, just started a Blog...which inspired me to start a Blog. The link for her blog is...http://morganrenesblog.blogspot.com/
When I have previously thought about blogging, my first reaction is that why would anybody care about what I have to say? My second reaction, is if I actually would have something to say?
Well it is my guess that many of my friends will check my blog every now and then...or maybe only for the first blog or two, then after that nobody will be reading my blog...except maybe Kristi because she'll be bored. So I decided that I will treat this more as a journal than anything else. Not a journal as in that I will chronicle my every day events, but just random thoughts or opinions. So this is my first blog.
You know what saying I just don't understand and I wish would just go away?
"Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up first."
First off, aren't we supposed to wish for things? What if every time somebody said "I wish..." that a person standing next to them would say "Well wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fill sup first." It seems to me that whoever "invented" this saying probably works in a cubicle with no access to windows.
Secondly, "wish in one hand." How is that even possible? The act of wishing doesn't manifest anything tangible which you can put in your hand. So that implies that you are actually wasting your time wishing. Sounds pretty negative.
Thirdly, "shit in the other." Do I even have to comment on this part of the saying? Why is it "shit?" Why isn't it water or sugar or flower? That has to make you think about the mindset of that guy working in the cublice with no access to windows.
Lastly, I wonder if anybody has ever tried to see which one actually fills up first? And if somebody has...then at what point is your hand "full" of shit?
In the end, I think that Barack Obama should pass a law voiding this saying. Thanks!!