Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just a concern...

I continue to read how the Democrats or liberals are in trouble in the upcoming 2010 and maybe even 2012 elections. Makes me happy to believe that Americans are "waking up" to the size of the federal government and are willing to throw those who support this huge federal government out of office. But then I get concerned because more likely not that person will be replaced by a Republican or a Conservative. I copied and posted this excerpt from a website that explains what I mean.


Most conservatives simply don’t want small government. They want their own version of big government. Of course, they have done a pretty good job of fooling American voters for decades by repeating the phrases “limited government” and “small government” like a hypnotic chant.

It’s interesting that conservatives only notice “big government” when it’s something their political enemies want. When conservatives want it, apparently it doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants a trillion-dollar foreign war, that doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants a 700-billion-dollar bank bailout, that doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants to spend billions fighting a needless and destructive War on Drugs, that doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants to spend billions building border fences, that doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants to “protect” the huge, unjust, and terribly inefficient Social Security and Medicare programs, that doesn’t count.

- If a conservative wants billions in farm subsidies, that doesn’t count.

It’s truly amazing how many things “don’t count.”

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