Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Problem with Video Game Haters

For anybody that has spend many hours playing a video game on XBOX 360, PS2 or Wii, or any other game console has probably been told by some other individual that they are wasting their time playing that video game.

When it comes to me and video game usage I generally play in spurts. Like for example, over winter break Staack and I played Modern Warfare online alot, some would probably say excessively, which I could not argue with. There are other times, like currently, that I don't even pick up the controller for weeks.

During the time that I played Modern Warfare, I received a fair amount criticism about the length of play. I term these individuals as "Video-Game Haters." You know who you are!!

The problem I have with the video-game hater, is that those same people who hate on video-game players are the same people that will spend hours watching their favourite (I figured if I spelled it like the British, that I'll sound more intelligent) tv show, whether it be Ellen, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy or the Biggest Loser. If you bring this to their attention, they will say that "it's different." Is it? Really?

You sit in front of the television and stare at it. Those of us who play video-games sit in front of the television...and stare at it. Some haters will have several of their shows all in the same night, and thus could spend anywhere from 2-4 hours watching their favourite shows. Yet, if we play Modern Warfare for 2-4 hours at the same time, it is totally different in their eyes.

I could argue that in fact, playing video games is a better use of our time than watching TV because we are constantly using our brains to strategize and react quickly to events. But I wouldn't want to make that argument.

How about, we all turn off the tv and/or put down the controller and open up a book? I'll get right to that after I finish last night's episode of The Biggest Loser and after I finish the last level of Modern Warfare.


  1. (cough) haters = Kristi (cough)
    By the way playing 7 hours of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is not excessive. It's fun. It's like a Grey's Anatomy Marathon in which you ladies indulge in.

  2. Putting a "u" in the word favorite doesn't make you sound more intelligent when Staack comments that you played for 7 hrs. Ha! I was totally seeing your point and pulling for you until the "7 hours" came out. If i sat and watched tv for 7 hrs I hope someone would tell me I'm being lazy and worthless....not that you and Staack are lazy and worthless.

  3. But if you did watch tv for 7 hours...WOULD anybody actually say anything?

  4. I don't believe they would... they would just call that a bad hangover...
